Surendranath College
Estd.1884; UGC and CU Affiliated; NAAC Accredited
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Promotion & Fixation Sub Committee

About the Committee

The Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee of Surendranath College aims at ensuring the incumbents of the institution that their applications for promotion (when due) are processed properly by the members of the committee and forwarded to the higher authorities like IQAC coordinator & Principal for further action.

The members of the subcommittee guides the incumbents cordially throughout the process of preparing their CAS files for the purpose.

The subcommittee also looks into the fixation of pay of the incumbents as and when required.


Meeting Notice : 23.04.2022

A meeting of the Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee will be held on 26.04.2022 (Tuesday) at 2:30 pm in offline mode.

Venue : Department of Mathematics

All members are requested to attend the same.

    — 1. Reporting of the evaluation of CAS files of 7 members under consideration.
    — 2. Reporting of the status of 3 members seeking upliftment from SACT-II to SACT-I.
    — 3. Miscellaneous

Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee
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Meeting Notice : 14.02.2022

A meeting of the Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee will be held on 15.02.2022 (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm in offline mode.

Venue : Department of Mathematics

All members are requested to attend the same.

    — 1. Reporting of completion of CAS of 6 members under consideration.
    — 2. Applications of upgradation of 3 members from SACT-II to SACT-I.
    — 3. New applications of promotion under CAS of 7 teachers.
    — 4. Miscellaneous

Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee
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Meeting Notice : 27-10-2021

A meeting of the Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee will be held on 30.10.2021 (Saturday) at 8:30 pm on the Google Meet Platform (link will be provided before the meeting in this group).

All members are requested to attend the same.

    — 1. Promotion related issues of teachers.
    — 2. Miscellaneous

Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee
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Meeting Notice : 06.09.2021

A meeting of the Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee will be held today i.e. 06.09.2021 (Monday) at 8:30 pm on the Google Meet Platform (link will be provided just before the meeting in this group).

All members are requested to attend the same.

    — 1. Promotion related issues of teachers.

Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee
Meeting link :
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Meeting Notice : 15.01.2021

A meeting of the Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee will be held on 17.01.2021 (Sunday) at 8.00 pm on the Google Meet Platform (link will be provided just before the meeting in this group).

All members are requested to attend the same.

    — 1. Promotion related issues of teachers.

Promotion & Fixation Subcommittee

Meeting link :
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Meeting Notice : 07-02-2020

A meeting of the Promotion and Fixation Subcommittee will be held on 13th Feb., 2020 (Thursday) at 2:00 p.m. in the Department of Mathematics.

All members of this Subcommittee are hereby requested to make it convenient to attend the said meeting.

  — Dr. Tushar Kanti Saha
  — Dr. Mira Sil Ghosh
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Meeting Notice : 11-09-2019

A meeting of the Promotion & Fixation subcommittee will be held on the 18th of September, 2019 (Wednesday) at 1 p.m. in the Mathematics Department.

All members of the subcommittee are requested to attend the said meeting.

    — 1. To chalk out plan of action of the committee for the academic year 2019-20
    — 2. To discuss on scrutiny of Promotion (CAS) Files of the concerned teachers
    — 3. Miscellaneous

Jt. Conveners,
Promotion & Fixation subcommittee
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Meeting Notice : 05-03-2019

A meeting of the Promotion & Fixation subcommittee will be held on the 14th of March, 2019 (Thursday) at 12.30 p.m. in the Mathematics Department.

All members of the subcommittee are requested to attend the said meeting.

    — 1. To confirm the verified CAS Files of concerned teachers
    — 2. Miscellaneous

Promotion & Fixation subcommittee
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Meeting Notice : 9-10-2018

A meeting of the Promotion & Fixation subcommittee will be held on the 11th of October, 2018 (Thursday) at 3 p.m. in the Mathematics Department.

All members of the subcommittee are requested to attend the said meeting.

    — 1. To chalk out plan of action of the committee for the academic year 2018-19.
    — 2. Miscellaneous

Promotion & Fixation subcommittee
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Meeting Notice : 22-08-2017

A meeting of the Promotion & Fixation subcommittee will be held on the 24th of August, 2017 (Thursday) at 3 p.m. in the Mathematics Department.

All members of the subcommittee are requested to attend the said meeting.

    — 1. 1. To chalk out plan of action of the committee for the academic year 2017-18.
    — 1. 2. Miscellaneous

Promotion & Fixation subcommittee
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SOP of Promotion and Fixation Subcommittee

Following steps are followed by the subcommittee, from receiving promotion application (under CAS) from the incumbent to forwarding of the completely processed file to the DPI for fixation in the higher scale applied for :

  1. The incumbent has to submit the application of promotion to the Principal through the subcommittee. The subcommittee places the applications to the Principal for further action in the forthcoming Governing Body meeting. The subcommittee also asks the incumbent to furnish the complete CAS file without delay for further processing.
  2. After the incumbent submits the complete file to the subcommittee, a meeting of the subcommittee is convened for distribution of the file to its members for scrutiny. During the process of scrutiny the incumbent may be called for any consultation related to the data presented in the file.
  3. In the meantime the subcommittee seeks the names of the experts from the Government as well as from the affiliating University.
  4. After checking the CAS file by the subcommittee members and complying with the necessary suggestions by the incumbent, the file is forwarded to the IQAC coordinator and Principal for their signatures required in the file.
  5. After receiving the names of the experts from the Government as well as the University, the Principal arranges for a meeting date in consultation with the experts for the selection/screening of the incumbent for the promotion applied for.
  6. After the selection/screening meeting, Principal is requested to arrange for a Governing Body meeting for further processing of the CAS file after which the completely processed file is forwarded to the DPI as per rule for the fixation of the incumbent in the higher scale applied for.


The objective of the subcommittee is to guide the incumbents in their process of promotion and fixation of pay and maintain a liaison between the higher authorities and the incumbents in the process.


Jt. Convenors:
    — Tushar Kanti Saha
    — Barnali Ray Basu

    — Netai Roy

    — Nitai Gayen

    — Manish Kanti Biswas

    — Amit Saha

    — Lalita Das

    — Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay

    — Suparna Das

