NCC Unit, ARMY Wing (Under 2 Bengal BN NCC, Fort William, Kolkata)Coy/Pls: 2 PlatoonsCadet Strength: 106Associate NCC Officer: Lieutenant Dr. Biva Samadder
- About Us
- NCC Song Lyrics
- Brief History
- Composition
- Training Provided to Cadets
- Know Your ANO
- Activity corner
- Know Our Cadets; Our Achievers
- Why Should you Join
- Trainings conducted in NCC
- NCC Training Outcome
- How Would You Join?
The National Cadet Corps is the Youth Wing of Armed Forces where students (called as Cadets) are given basic military training in small arms and parades. It is open to school and college students on a voluntary basis. The cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course. However if they decide to join the armed forces they are given special treatment. It was established in the University corps which was created under the Defense Act, 1917 with the objective to make up the shortage of the ARMY. The Indian Parliament passed the National Cadet Corps Act in 1948, thus creating the National Cadet Corps (NCC). National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organization, comprising the Army, Navy, and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. NCC changes cadets’ common college life to an adventurous and thrilling journey of 3 years, teaching them to push limits at every turn of life and to set priorities straight.
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The ‘Aims’ of the NCC laid out in 1988 have stood the test of time and continue to meet the requirements expected of it in the current socio–economic scenario of the country. The NCC aims at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst young citizens. Further, it aims at creating a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose. Needless to say, the NCC also provides an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to join the armed forces.
The need for having motto for the Corps was discussed in the 11th Central Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting held on 11 Aug 1978. The mottos suggested were “Duty and Discipline”; “Duty, Unity and Discipline”; “Duty and Unity”; “Unity and Discipline”. The final decision for selection of “Unity and Discipline” as motto for the NCC was taken in the 12th CAC meeting held on 12 Oct 1980.
The NCC is a responsive, learning and continuously evolving organization. Its activity is guided by certain Core Values that we endeavour to instil among all ranks of the NCC. These include the following:
- A sense of patriotic commitment to encourage cadets to contribute to national development.
- Respect for diversities in religion, language, culture, ethnicity, life style and habitat to instil a sense of National unity and social cohesion.
- Abiding commitment to learn and adhere to the norms and values enshrined in the Indian Constitution.
- Understanding the value of a just and impartial exercise of authority.
- Ability to participate in community development and other social programme.
- A healthy life style free of substance abuse and other unhealthy practices.
- Sensitivity to the needs of poor and socially disadvantaged fellow citizens.
- Inculcating habits of restraint and self-awareness.
- Understanding the values of honesty, truthfulness, self-sacrifice, perseverance and hard work
- Respect for knowledge, wisdom and the power of ideas.
We the cadets of the national cadet corps, Do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizen of our nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness And concern for our fellow beings.
The NCC flag for various units of the NCC was first introduced in 1951. The flag was of same pattern, colour and size as was used by various regiments of the Army. The only difference was that it had the NCC badge and unit designation placed in the centre. Later on it was felt that the flag should be in keeping with the inter-service character of the Corps. In 1954 the existing tricolour flag was introduced. The three colours in the flag depict the three services of the Corps, red for the Army, deep blue for the Navy and light blue for the Air Force. The letters NCC and the NCC crest in gold in the middle of the flag encircled by a wreath of lotus, give the flag a colourful look and a distinct identity.
Hum Sab Bharatiya Hain, Hum Sab Bharatiya Hain Apni Manzil Ek Hai, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ek Hai, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ek Hai. Hum Sab Bharatiya Hain. Kashmir Ki Dharti Rani Hai, Sartaj Himalaya Hai, Saadiyon Se HumneIskoApneKhoon Se Pala Hai Desh Ki Raksha Ki Khatir Hum Shamshir UthaLenge, Hum Shamshir UthaLenge.

Surendranath College opened its NCC Unit long ago, but due to absence of any ANO in college at that time, it was dissolved till 2006. 2oo7 onwards students of our college used to be in NCC through open vacancies. College then again started its NCC unit in a completely new form in the year 2016 with the approval of ADG NCC DTE West Bengal and Sikkim on 29th March. The college was allotted with a NCC Unit consisting of 2 platoons (strength-106 cadets) by DTE WB & Sikkim letter no 2342/wr/sd/g (plg) dated 21st March, 2016. Dr. Biva Samadder was appointed as CTO of the NCC unit on 1st April 2016 and at present, Associate NCC officer Lieutenant Dr. Biva Samadder is the officer in charge of the NCC unit of this college.
A | SD | WB16SDA 102801 | Senior division Army Cadet |
B | SW | WB 16SWA102801 | Senior wing Army Cadet |
Drill, Shooting, Physical Fitness, Map Reading, First Aid, Flying, Boat Pulling, Sailing and Camp Training, Covering basics of Military Training in Army, Navy and Air Force. This training is mostly carried out in our College compound or nearest College ground.
She is highly motivated, sincere, dedicated, focused and work with a positive attitude towards shaping the young NCC cadets to achieve the purposeful and meaningful aim of NCC as an organization. In 2018 she was felicitated by NCC, West Bengal and Sikkim Directorate as Best Associate NCC officer in Kolkata-B.
In November 2021 again she was again awarded as Best Associate NCC officer in West Bengal and Sikkim Directorate.
She had so far won many medals during the PRCN course and also got the Alfa. The officer has attended four annual training camps and four National Integration camps so far and acted as a contingent commander in Thal Sena Camp in 2018. Under her effective training, her Senior Wing cadets have also achieved enviable milestones. In October 2020, she has received the “Mahatma Gandhi National Award” for her excellent service, contribution, dedication and devotion towards humanity, peace building and Brotherhood. In the same year, she was also acknowledged as the Ambassador for Peace of the Mahatma Gandhi Global Peace Forum for outstanding humanitarian services in favour of spreading harmony and peace. She is an ex NCC cadet and Governor Medal holder. Owing to her consistent efforts as a key member of the committee formed by kol-B group, 2022 onwards NCC was declared as an elective subject for the undergraduate students in all universities in West Bengal.
The ANO has set her personal example to motivate the cadets to undertake various activities in spite of the trying times due to COVID-19 pandemic to keep the ethos of organisation high contributing immensely towards the social awareness among the citizens of the country. By her personal indulgence and utmost dedication towards the org she motivated the cadets to actively participate in spreading the awareness among the populace by organizing various activities:
- Online drawing and Awareness Competitions
- Webinars and Seminars
- Celebration of Special Days, such as: Independence Day, Republic Day, World Environment Day & Week, International Yoga Day, International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Kargil Vijay Diwas, World Environment Day etc.
- Social Service and Community Development activities in which motivated cadets contributed with gusto.
- Humanitarian assistance and relief to the affected villagers of the YAAS cyclone.
- Training on “Fight against COVID-19 as Corona Warriors
- Webinar to enlighten all the NCC cadets about the procedures and methods to join the Armed Forces as officers.
Activity Timeline
Surendranath College NCC unit & IQAC in association with West Bengal and Sikkim Dte & Tata Medical Centre, organized a Breast Cancer Awareness lecture session and Free breast Health Checkup Camp in college auditorium . With over 225 participants including SW cadets , teachers and ANOs from different colleges
availed themselves for check up. The event aimed to raise awareness and provide free checkups. Distinguished guests Mrs. Manju Tyagi and Mrs. Manjushree Bhattacharya graced the occasion, while Dr. Sonia Mathai from Tata Medical Centre delivered an insightful session. The program underscored the importance of early detection and proactive healthcare practices, marking a significant step towards fostering community health awareness.
Name of the Event: Happy International Day of Yoga: A National Level Webinar and Virtual Yoga Competition (Live), IQAC, NCC unit & NSS – 21st June, 2021 Topic: “Be with Yoga, Be at Home” Invited Speakers and Judge: Mrs. Mohua Dutta, Registered Yoga Trainer, West Bengal Council for Yoga and Naturopathy & Dr. Dipasree Roychowdhury, Department of Botany, Surendranath College. Date: 21st June, 2021 Time: 11. A.M. onwards Webinar Platform: Zoom and YouTube. Also uploaded on the college YouTube Channel. Organised by: NCC unit under 2 Bengal BN NCC & NSS unit Surendranath College. Number of Participants: 456 Summary: Recognizing the universal appeal of Yoga, owing to its demonstrated benefits towards immunity building and stress relief, Surendranath College IQAC, NCC and NSS unit has observed the 7th International Day of Yoga in the virtual platform. The webinar and National Level Live Yoga Competition was held in association with NCC unit, 2 Bengal BN NCC & NSS unit of Surendranath College. The webinar was attended by more than 456 people (students, cadets & faculty members of the college) all over the country .Yoga demonstrations were conducted as a part of the virtual yoga competition including yoga postures. A large number of students had participated in this National Level Live Yoga Competition across the country. This virtual yoga competition and webinar was conducted with a social message that Yoga would enable a person to improve his/her mental as well as physical health, which are equally important to fight with the pandemic. It is very important to be immune to the Covid-19 pandemic and yoga will help us to achieve that immunity. Yoga is getting international attention now and we must keep practising yoga as part of our daily routine. Both the speakers demonstrated this powerful message in their own way. Certificates of Appreciation from the college authority were distributed to the winners. On successful completion, each participant was also awarded with an e-certificate marking their participation and completion. The entire celebration was live streamed on the college YouTube channel to ensure that everyone was a part of the event virtually.
LINK – (List of participants, flyer and speakers )
Name of the Event: Kargil Vijay Diwas. Date-05 June , 2021. Organised by – Surendranath College & 2 Bengal BN NCC Number of participants – 67
In the backdrop of Covid 19 & cancellation of all NCC activities, World Environment day on 05 Jun 2020 is planned by the unit of 2 Bengal BN adhering to all Gov’t instructions in Covid Scenario with various activities on the occasion. The main idea behind celebrating World Environment Day was to highlight the importance of the environment and to remind the cadets that nature should not be taken for granted. The World Environment Day was celebrated with enthusiasm, wherein various activities were designed for NCC cadets to perform from their homes thus keeping them aware of the environment issues. Looking at ways to reduce the amount of things people throw away, and be a little kinder to the environment, the Cadets of Surendranath College , 2 Bengal BN NCC under the guidance of Lt. Dr. Biva Samadder made a mesmerising presentation of cultural prog to make people aware about pollution and to save the environment and pledged to reduce the amount of waste one produces by embracing upcycling as a way of life. The cadets also participated in an online poster making competition on ‘Save Environment’ In the online poster making competition 28 students participated. All the students beautifully tried to reveal the connection between Novel Corona Pandemic and the theme Time for Nature through their drawings. All the posters are highly appreciated. Principal of the college, Dr. Indranil Kar expressed delight to see the cadets participate in such large numbers through online activities during the sensitive times. He said that protection of the environment is the responsibility of all and the college is at the forefront of conducting many activities for environment protection. The students were inspired and motivated to plant more trees in and around their own surroundings contributing to a healthier and cleaner society which in turn will make a greener Earth
Tree Plantation Week
Waste management drive
World Environment Day 2022
World Tobacco Day 2022
- To make our students realise the glory and dignity of uniformed services
- To make them understand that they can also join uniformed services and serve the nation even after passing out from general courses.
- To show them that joining uniformed services can be a very good career opportunity
- To encourage the interested ones to join defence services
Distinguished speakers: Colonel Apurba Sikdar- Sainik School, Purulia,NDA, Indian Military Academy, 37 years of distinguished service in Army Sahil Sharma- Indian Military Academy, cleared SSB Mohit Kumar from Sainik School, Rewa The Webinar: After the keynote address by the honourable Principal, Dr. Indranil Kar, Lt. Dr. Biva Samadder, Associate NCC Officer of the NCC unit of Surendranath College explained the structure of Indian defence services. She explained that no other service can match the opportunity and honour to serve the nation, social pride, dignity, financial stability and adventure of the defence services. Col. Sikdar emphasised that students of general courses can also join defence services and the students of Sainik School have only a slight advantage. He explained the 4 stages one has to go through before joining the defence services. Col. Sikdar pointed out that one has to work hard and be disciplined to crack these steps. It is difficult but not impossible. Mr. Sahil Sharma beautifully explained how an ordinary student can also fulfil their dreams by joining defence services and can crack the NDA entrance exams with proper preparations. Mr. Mohit Kumar : By giving his own example Mohit explained how graduates from different streams can apply for CDS examinations , MNS , NDA etc. by giving a few tips on how to turn someone’s weakness into strength in the SSB interview. After the presentations from all the three speakers the session was open for questions. Dr. Nilansu Das, convener of the placement and counselling cell of Surendranath College conducted the session. The speakers answered the questions raised by students and cadets. The webinar was graced by the joining of Brigadier Gagandeep Singh Cheema who explained the pay scales, allowances and retirement benefits. The session ended with a vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Suchandra Chatterjee, coordinator of IQAC, Surendranath College.
- Soldier Technical, Engineer Regiment in Indian Army in 2020.
- Winner of many state and National level events in NCC
- NCC ‘B’ Certificate Holder with ‘ALPHA’ Grade.
- Champion in International Kudo Event 2018.
- Performed in PM Rally, new Delhi in January, 2018.
- Winner of many state and national level medals in NCC.
- NCC ‘C’ certificate holder.
- Awarded as Best Cadet in whole DTE.
- NCC B Certificate Holder with Alpha grading.
- Participated in the PM Rally, New Delhi on 28th January 2022.
- Cleared UPSC NDA (1) 2020 written examination
- Preparing for SSB
- NCC B Certificate Holder with Alpha grading
- Participated in several state and National level events.
- Completed training on COVID-19 Awareness from Ministry of AYUSH, GOI.
- Participated in PM Rally
- Special National Integration Camp, 2019
- NCC ‘C’ Certificate Holder
- Special National Integration Camp, 2021
- NCC ‘B’ Certificate Holder with alpha grading
- Appointed as security officer in Indigo Airlines.
Joining NCC develops interpersonal skills of the students. NCC training helps students who want to join Indian Arm Forces but it’s not the compulsion for the trainee to join any part of the Indian Army after completion of the training. Benefits of NCC also include self-discipline and problem-solving skills.
During the training of NCC, candidates get the basic military training. This training is conducted to develop the interest of young students in all three forces; the army, the navy and the air force of India. NCC offers the platform to the students so that they could check their abilities to join the Indian Defense Services. That’s why one of the benefits of the NCC certificate is that the candidate gets some relaxation during army selection.
The main benefits of NCC apart from personality developing skills, is the certificate you get. After attending a minimum of 75% of NCC training, the students get a certificate from NCC according to their level. These certificates help the students in their career. Based on the duration of the training, NCC offers three types of certificates. Here is the detail of the NCC certificates. ‘A’ Certificate, ‘B’ Certificate, ‘C’ Certificate. Let’s have a look at the benefits of NCC certificate ‘C’.
Indian Army
In every regular course of the Indian Military Academy (IMA), 32 vacancies are reserved for the ‘C’ certified NCC candidates. But to join IMA it’s a must for all the candidates to be declared successful by the Services Selection Board. The cadets with ‘C’ certificate are exempted from CDS examination conducted by UPSC. But for this, the cadet must have ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade in ‘C’ certificate. NCC ‘C’ certification offers you 10–15 bonus marks in paramilitary forces recruitment i.e. BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB etc. If you have NCC ‘C’ certificates then your written exam will be waived off for the post of Soldier GD. NCC ‘C’ certification offers you 10–15 bonus marks in paramilitary forces recruitment i.e. BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB etc. If you have NCC ‘C’ certificates then your written exam will be waived off for the post of Soldier GD.
Indian Navy
In the Indian Navy, the NCC ‘C’ certified candidates get 6 extra marks for sailor’s job and 15 extra marks for Artificer Apprentices. Up to 9 vacancies in the navy are reserved for NCC ‘C’ certified candidates. To get the recruitment done on these vacancies the candidate must have done his/her B.Sc in physics or math. B.E. candidates are also eligible for these vacancies. The age group of the candidate must be 19 to 24 years. He/she must have passed by SSB exempted from the CDS examination of UPSC.
Indian Air Force
In the Air Force, the NCC ‘C’ certified candidates get the advantage of 5 marks. In the Pilot course total 10% vacancies are reserved for NCC cadets.
Public Sector
Many organizations from the public sector give advantages to the cadets with ‘C’ certification like Indian Airlines, Pawan Hans Ltd, The National Small Industries Corp. Ltd. and many more. Apart from this, many companies from the private sector consider the NCC certificates as an advantage. When you mention the NCC certified or achieved NCC ‘C’ certificate in your resume, it gives a hint about your personality. So we would suggest the students should join NCC not only to join Indian Armed Forces but to be a disciplined person.
Sum Up
Preference is given to B & C certificate holders in Defence Services, Police services, Para-Military forces, Fire forces, BSF, Territorial Army, Industrial Security Forces, Public Sectors, and all uniform services. 60 Engineering Seats, 16 Medical Seats, 6-7% of Post-Graduation seats are reserved for NCC cadets in all Indian Universities. Number of vacancies created every year through UPSC & SSC for ‘C’ Certificate holders and the selected only on interview basis. NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders are given preference in the recruitment of Civilian Gliding Instructors/Girl Cadet Instructors /NCC whole time lady officers and Aero/Ship modeling instructors. For Army soldier recruitment, NCC cadets get bonus marks. NCC Cadets have reservation in many Government jobs, especially in the State and Central Police and in paramilitary forces. NCC cadets have a lot of academic incentives too. NCC ‘C’ Certificate cadets take part in Republic day parade at New Delhi, they are exempted from CEE and be awarded 100 marks in lieu. Sahara India and many other top industries pick up NCC Cadets possessing ‘C’ certificates for various jobs in their companies.
1. Institutional Training
- Institutional training conducted at Colleges and Schools is the mainstay of NCC training and is conducted by Associate NCC Officers and Armed Forces personnel. The syllabus comprises Common Subjects and Service Subjects in the ratio 70:30. The Senior Wing/Division training is for three years and has 300 periods; the training year is from 01 July to 31 Jan. Training schedules planned for cadets ensure that the optimum benefits of the organization reach the maximum number of cadets. Emphasis is on practical training. Case study method of instruction, wherever possible, is made to facilitate active participation and better assimilation.
- Institutional training includes basic military training to the cadets as part of the curriculum and prepares them to join the Armed Forces. It is conducted with the following specific purpose:-
- Firstly, to expose young cadets to a ‘regimental way of life’ which is essential to inculcate in them the values of discipline, duty, punctuality, orderliness, smartness, respect for the authorities, correct work ethos, and self- confidence.
- Secondly, to generate interest in cadets by including and laying emphasis on those aspects of Institutional Training which attract young cadets into the NCC and provide them an element of thrill and excitement.
- Thirdly, to inculcate Defense Services work ethos that is characterized by hard work, sincerity of purpose, honesty, ideal of selfless service, dignity of labour, secular outlook, comradeship, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship.
2. Camp Training
Camp training is the practical manifestation of institutional training. The basic aim of Camps is to introduce cadets to a regimented way of life and helps in developing camaraderie, team work, leadership qualities, self-confidence, self-reliance and dignity of labour in the cadets. The cadets are exposed to the excitement of camp life where they apply the theoretical knowledge that they had gained in Institutional Training. It is mandatory for Senior Division/ Senior Wing cadets to attend a minimum of two camps during the period of their enrolment. Republic Day camp is the acme of NCC training and is conducted in January every year. The various types of camps conducted by the NCC are as follows:-
Annual Training Camps/ Combined Annual Training Camps (ATC/CATC): These are held within the State under the aegis of respective NCC Directorates. Centrally Organised Camps (COC): These camps are of all India nature and are planned by Headquarter DGNCC in consultation with State NCC Directorates which conduct them. Selected cadets, as per the vacancies allotted to each Directorate, participate in these camps. The following types of centrally organized camps are conducted: – National Integration Camps (NIC)/ Special National Integration Camps (SNIC): National Integration Camps and Special National Integration Camps are conducted to make cadets understand and value the rich heritage of cultures that forge unity despite the diverse languages, traditions and religions of our country. These camps are conducted on an all India basis and help bridge the cultural gap among various states of India. In addition, six Special NICs are conducted in the extremities of our country at Leh / Srinagar (J&K), Dimapur (North Eastern Region), Peddapuram (Kakinada), Badabagh (Jaisalmer), Lakshadweep and Port Blair. Leadership Camps: Six Advance Leadership Camps (ALC), are conducted every year to focus on personality development, leadership skills and orientation for induction into the Armed Forces. Thal Sainik Camp (TSC): Two TSCs are conducted at HQ DGCC Camp, Parade Ground, and Delhi Cantt every year in Sep/Oct, one for SD/JD boys and other for SW/JW girls. 680 Boy and 680 Girl cadets take part in each camp. Rock Climbing Training Camps (RCTC): Eight rock climbing camps are held each year to expose NCC cadets to the basics of rock climbing and to inculcate a spirit of adventure. A total of 1080 cadets attend the camps.
3. Annual Republic Day Camp
The Annual Republic Day Camp (RDC) is held at Garrison Parade Ground, Delhi Cantt every year from 01 Jan to 29 Jan. This camp represents all parts of India and is a ‘Mini India’ in itself. The camp is normally inaugurated by the Vice President of India in the first week of Jan and culminates with the Prime Minister’s Rally on 28 January. It is a matter of great pride for a cadet to be selected to represent his/ her state in the Republic Day Camp.
4. Prime Minister’s Rally
The Prime Minister’s Rally, the most prestigious event of the NCC Republic Day Camp, is held on 28 January every year. The PM’s Rally commences with the Guard of Honour presented to Hon’ble Prime Minister by NCC Cadets. Contingents from all State NCC Directorate participate in the March Past. Social activities being undertaken by NCC are displayed in the form of tableaux. Approximately 3,000 cadets participate in this rally wherein they display their skills in equestrian, parasailing, band display, slithering and simulated Army action. A Microlight Display by the NCC cadets is also conducted during the PM’s Rally. The PM’s Rally culminates with the award of the Prime Minister’s Banner to the winning Directorate by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. The events are witnessed by a number of dignitaries that include Hon’ble Raksha Mantri, Raksha Rajya Mantri, three Service Chiefs and the Defence Secretary.
5. Attachment Training
Cadets derive immense value through attachment to the Armed Forces Units where they experience the functioning of military units and life in armed forces units. Cadets of all wings go through a period of attachment with respective services of the Armed Forces as follows: –
- Army Units. 440 officers and 20,000 cadets attend attachment training with regular army units annually.
- Indian Military Academy/Officers Training Academy. 120 SD cadets undergo attachment training at Indian Military Academy, Dehradun and 48 SW cadets at Officers Training Academy, Chennai.
- Military Hospital Attachment. 1000 SW cadets are attached with various Military Hospitals for 12 days.
6. Social Service and Community Development
Social Service activities are structured to inspire and encourage the cadets to participate voluntarily towards improvement of their physical and social environment and channelize their energies in the task of nation building. The social service and community development activities include Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Tree Plantation, Anti-Drug Rally, Cancer Awareness, Disaster Relief, Blood Donation, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, AIDS Awareness, Care for the Blind, Traffic Control and other similar relevant contemporary social issues. The objectives of Social Service are as follows:-
- To teach the cadets the dignity of labour and to create in them an interest in constructive work, this will be of use to the community.
- To set an example of selfless service and team work.
- To give a lead in organized work, with a view to utilizing to the maximum possible extent the available unused time, energy and other resources of our people and direct them in various fields of social and economic activity.
7. Youth Exchange Program (YEP)
Selected NCC cadets participate in the Youth Exchange Programme which is a country to country exchange of cadets belonging to NCC/ equivalent Govt/ youth organizations of friendly countries. They participate in NCC activities of the host country to create an increased awareness and appreciation of each other’s socio-economic and cultural realities. NCC has a vibrant YEP with ten countries. The benefits of this programme have been widely acknowledged. Our cadets share a strong bond with our YEP partners. As of now more than 100 cadets proceed abroad on YEP annually.
8. Adventure Based Learning
Adventure is the life blood of youth. Adventure training in the NCC provides knowledge to cadets of the topography as well as experience of different weather conditions and adventurous living under camp conditions. The whole aim is to inculcate a spirit of adventure, explorative inquisitiveness, develop stamina, endurance, discipline, courage, determination, comradeship, leadership leading to development of self-confidence, team spirit and spirit-de- corps amongst NCC cadets. NCC cadets are given the opportunity to participate in a host of adventure activities including Mountain Treks and Expeditions, Trekking, Parasailing, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Kayaking, Camel safari etc. Adventure based activities enable cadets to hone leadership skills and enhance their character qualities. Cadets with potential are given opportunities to participate in expeditions requiring higher degree of expertise and proficiency.
- Mountaineering Expeditions.
- NCC has been conducting two mountaineering expeditions every year, one each for the girl and boy cadets.
- All India Trekking Expedition. 29 Trekking Expeditions are conducted annually with participation of 14500 Cadets from all State NCC Directorates.
- Camel Safari. Camel Safari is conducted by Rajasthan directorate in the deserts of Jaisalmer every year./li>
- Parasailing. Parasailing is conducted by the NCC Directorates giving cadets the thrill and experience of this adventure activity.
- Para Basic Course. Every year 40 boy & 40 girl cadets attend Para Basic Course at Para Training School, Agra for a duration of 24 days.
- Cycle and Motor Cycle Rallies. A number of cycle and motorcycle rallies are conducted by different State NCC Directorate to spread the message of peace, harmony and national integration and educate the populace on health, community development and eradication of social evils.
- Sailing Expedition. NCC conducts Sailing Expeditions in State NCC Directorates every year. 35 to 60 cadets participate in each expedition. h. Sea Sorties. Cadets are put on board Naval Ships for sea experience. In 2015, 245 Cdts were on four sea sorties.
9. Sports
NCC facilitates access to high potential sports like Football, Hockey and Shooting to talented cadets so as to hone their team and sports skills. NCC Cadets from all NCC Directorates actively participate in various sports activities at the National level as follows:-
- NCC National Games. NCC National Games were started in 2013, giving opportunity to the youth from NCC for exposure to competition and selection at the national level.
- All India GV Mavlankar Shooting Competition. Firing being one of the important training activities of NCC, shooting discipline enjoys special place in NCC sporting activities. NCC conducts Inter State Directorate Shooting competition to select the NCC team to participate in the National Rifle Association of Indian (NRAI) events like All India GV Mavlankar Shooting Championship Competition and National Shooting Championship Competition every year. NCC shooting teams have been performing well in the event for the last many years.
- Equestrian Events. NCC cadets of Remount & Veterinary units participate in various National level equestrian competitions every year and have won many medals.
- Sailing Regatta. Sailing Regatta is conducted every year at INS Chilka in Odisha.
During these training periods, cadets have to organize many types of military training camps, adventure training camps and personality development camps. In which cadets are given information on subjects like Drill and Command, Arms Training, Map Reading, Field Craft and Battle Craft, Field Engineering, Obstacle Training, Adventure Activities, Self Defense and National Integration and Integrity. NCC cadets develop qualities such as nationalism, patriotism, discipline, union spirit, leadership and confidence. NCC adopts social development activities, which inculcates in the cadets a sense of selfless service to the society, dignity of labour, protection of the environment etc. After receiving this type of training, the cadets appear for the A, B and C certificates. The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its headquarters at New Delhi. It is open to school and college students on voluntary basis. The National Cadet Corps in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools, colleges and Universities all over India. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades. The officers and cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course but are given preference over normal candidates during selections based on the achievements in the corps.
- Only the Army Wing of the NCC is available at Surendranath College
- Total sanctioned strength is 80 (Combined strength for three years). For the academic session 2019-20 the number of seats vacant is 27 (boys = 14, girls = 13).
Any Indian student either girl or boy, can join NCC. There are two wings in NCC; The junior wing and the senior wing. Here are the details to join the junior and senior wing of NCC.
Junior Wing: The minimum age to join the NCC junior wing is 13 years. The enrolment period for the training of junior wing is 2 years. To join NCC the candidate needs to contact the headmaster or principal of his/her school. If the school of the candidate is not having an NCC training facility then the student can contact the Commanding Officer of the nearest NCC Unit for further guidance.
Senior Wing: To join the senior wing the candidate’s age should be up to 26 years. The enrolment period for this training is 3 years. To join senior wing students need to follow the same process as mentioned above. Joining NCC is an easy process. The NCC authorities also want the youngster to be a part of this organization. NCC cadets get various benefits from joining it that positively change their personality and prepare them for defense services.