Surendranath College
Estd.1884; UGC and CU Affiliated; NAAC Accredited
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Student Credit Card Cell

About the Scheme

Under the visionary leadership of Mamata Banerjee, Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal, The Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal has introduced the Student Credit Card Scheme for the students of West Bengal to enable them to pursue education without having any financial constraints. This scheme is designed to support the students to pursue secondary, higher secondary, madrasah, undergraduate and postgraduate studies including professional degree and other equivalent courses in any School, Madrasah, College, University and other affiliated institutes within and outside India.
Students studying in various coaching institutions for appearing in different competitive examinations like Engineering, Medical, Law, IAS, IPS, WBCS etc, can also avail the loan under this scheme. A student from West Bengal can obtain a maximum loan of Rs. 10 lakhs @ 4% per annum simple interest from the State Cooperative Bank and its affiliated Central Cooperative Banks and District Central Cooperative Banks and Public/ Private Sector Banks. 1% interest concession will be provided to the borrower if the interest is fully serviced during the study period. The upper age limit for the interested students has been kept as 40(forty) years at the time of applying for loan. The repayment period shall be fifteen (15) years for any loan availed under this Credit Card including the Moratorium/ repayment holiday.
Students have applied through online registration process. A student application profile will be created if he/she correctly completes the online registration procedure. After that, the student’s profiles are seen in West Bengal Student Credit Card (WBSCC) web portal of institution side. Our task is to verify his/her identity as our college student and their course fee amount which entered in the application form is correct or not on behalf of our Head Of the Institution (HOI) . Then we forward this profile to Higher Education Department (HED) end. It is a continuous process. Any time any student may apply.


As per gazette notification no. 142L/OM-90L/2021 dated 30.06.2021.


The WBSCC scheme initiated by the West Bengal Government. A student from West Bengal can avail the loan under this scheme up to a maximum amount of Rs 10 lakhs@4% per annum simple interest.


Our main aim to check and verify the students uploaded documents carefully. If their all documents found ok after complete verification, we immediately forward it to the higher education department (HED) for further necessary action.


Nodal Officer: Ranjit Maity

Help Desk Officer: Swapan Majhi
Member: Anirban Mishra



Although we perform our duties regularly, yet we completed two WBSCC awareness camp on 23.12.2021 and 27.12.2021 within our college campus. We have attached here some photo of our previously held camp. In this year, we are also going to similar awareness camp on 18.11.2022.

Application Status Report till 21st November, 2022

List of Students

Awareness Camp – 23.12.2021

Awareness Camp – 27.12.2021

Sensitization Program – 27.09.2022

Awareness Camp – 18.11.2022