State Aided college Teacher |
Psychology |
M.Sc. in Applied Psychology and submitted Ph.D. Thesis |
14 years |
Industrial and Organizational Behaviour |
Organizational Behaviours |
Published paper in International Journal of Management Research and Review (Oct-2011/volume-1/Issue-3/Article no. 12/105-113) as a co-author on the topic of “Organizational Role Stress, Coping Styles and Cognitive Style Towards The Development Of Well-Being Among BPO Professionals”.
Poster presentation in 100th Indian Science Congress, part-II as a co-presenter under the heading of “Mobile use pattern among undergraduate students of Kolkata and Howrah and its relation with their self-esteem and subjective wellbeing”, held on 3rd to 7th January, 2013.
Published paper in Indian Institute of Psychometry (Vol. 27, No. 2, 2013) as a co-author on the topic: “Mobile use pattern among undergraduate students of Kolkata and Howrah and its relation with their self-esteem and subjective wellbeing” (UGC care Approved Journal).
Published paper in International Journal of Science and Research (May, 2020/ Volumn-9/ Issue-5/ 709-713) as a co-author on the topic of “Effects of gender role identity on work-family and family-work conflict as perceived by IT professionals of Kolkata city during lockdown phase due to COVID-19.” Journal’s ISSN 2319-7064; RIF-0.28 & SJIF-7.583.
Published paper in IOSR Journal of Humanities and social Science (May 2020/ Volumn-25/ Issue-5/ Series-9/ 58-64) as a first author under the heading of “The effect of lockdown due to COVID-19 on post-traumatic stress and depression among college students of Kolkata, hotspot district of West Bengal, India.” Journal’s e-ISSN 2279-0837 & p-ISSN-2279-0845.
Published paper in International Journal of Advanced Research and Review (June, 2020/ Volumn-5/ Issue-6/ 62-72) as a first author under the heading of “Approval motive and perceived family environment vis-à-vis career and family values-a study on female college students at Kolkata” Journal’s ISSN 2455-7277 (online), Impact Factor 6.717.
Published paper in International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research (August, 2020/ Volumn-7/ Issue-8/ 6147-6152) as a first author on the topic of “A study on young home-makes belonging to nuclear and joint family environment and career and family values.” Journal’s ISSN 2350-0743).
Published paper in International Journal of Science and Research (Dec, 2020/ Volumn-9/ Issue-12/ 1483-1486) as a first author on the topic of “Perceived family and social environment- a study on inhabitants belonging to north, central and south zone of Kolkata city. Journal’s ISSN 2319-7064; RIF-0.28 & SJIF-7.583.
Published paper in East African Scholars Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences (Nov-Dec, 2020/ Volumn-2/ Issue-6/ 177-183) as a co-author under the heading of “Association between Interpersonal social support and perceived depression among Under-graduate College students of Kolkata during unlock phase of COVID-19 lockdown.” Journal’s p-ISSN 2663-1865; e-ISSN- 2663-6751.
Published article entitled “The effect of Lockdown due to Covid-19 on Post-traumatic Stress and Depression among college students of Kolkata, hotspot district of west Bengal, India” in International Organization of Scientific Research (May, 2020/ Volumn-25/ Issue-5) as first author in International Organization of Scientific Research. Journal’s ISSN 2279-0837.
National Conference on Applied Psychology organized by Department of Applied psychology, University of Calcutta, held on 21st to 23rd December, 2005.
Post Centenary Golden Jubilee Series of Workshops on ‘Research Methodology’, ‘Stress Management’, ‘Child and Adolescent Development’ and ‘Family Therapy’ organized by Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta held on 2006.
U.G.C. sponsored State level seminar on ‘Disability: A Battle With Reality’ held at the Department of Psychology, Bethune College, Kolkata on 11th November, 2009.
National conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business Management organized by George College in collaboration with School of Management and Sciences, West Bengal University of Technology, held on 3rd March, 2012.
Participated in the workshop for the revised three year undergraduate syllabus organized by the Department of Psychology, Loreto College, Kolkata, held on 3rd October, 2013.
Participated in the seminar on Approaches to India Psychology and Closing Ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Department of Psychology, held on 13th February 2018, organized by the department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta.
Participated in the Orientation Programme for the curriculum of First Semester in CBCS organized by the Department of Psychology, Asutosh College in collaboration with the Under Graduate Board of Studies, University of Calcutta held on 2018.
Participated in National Level Webinar entitled ‘Bio-psycho-spiritual Disciplining: the Key to Wellbeing in the New-Normal held on 17th June, 2020, organized by IQAC in association with the Department of Psychology, Surendranath College, Kolkata.
Participated in One Day Webinar on ‘Be an Unconditional Listener held on 29th June 2020, organized by the department of Psychology, Surendranath College, Kolkata.
Participated in One Day Webinar on Dealing with post-covid challenges through Bio-psycho-social lens-managing our thought, emotion and behavior organized by the department of Psychology and IQAC of Seth Anandram Jaipuria College on 29th June, 2020.
Participated in the webinar on ‘ A new view of Solar System’ held on 8th July, 2020, organized by Department of Physics, under DBT Star College Scheme in collaboration with the Department of Zoology, Chemistry, Botany and Physics, Surendranath College, Kolkata.
Participated in Two Days National Level Webinar on ‘Death anxiety and contagion: Biopsychological and philosophical insights held on 9th and 10th July 2020, organized by the department of psychology, Gokhale Memorial Girls’ College, Kolkata.
Participated in Five Days faculty Development Programme on ‘Perspectives in Mental Health and Psychotherapy in Post Covid-19’ held on 13th July to 17th July 2020, organized by Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Kolkata.
Participated in Two Days International Webinar on ‘Covid-19 Pandemic: Its impact on Higher Education and Future strategies’ held on 18th and 19th July 2020, organized by IQAC of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College, Midnapore, West Bengal, India.
Participated in International Webinar on ‘Yoga as a means of healthier lifestyle during Corona virus pandemic’ held on 22nd July 2020, organized by the Department of Physical Education, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India.
Participated in webinar on ‘Challenges and opportunities in Defense Research: the role of Psychology and Science’ held on 24th July 2020, organized by the Department of Psychology in collaboration with IQAC, Bethune College, Kolkata.
Participated in International Webinar on ‘Uncertainty and Fear of the New Normal: Mental Health and Counselling in the Indian Context’ held on 28th July 2020, organized by the Department of Education,
Participated in National Level webinar on ‘New Methodologies of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC for the Affiliated Colleges’ held on 27th August 2020, organized by IQAC, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra in collaboration with IQAC, Barrackpore.
Participated in Three Days Outline Orientation Programme on UG Semester IV Prioritized Syllabus of Psychology under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) held on 24th to 26th November 2020, organized by the Department of Psychology, Bethune College, Kolkata.
Participated in Three Days Online Orientation Programme on UG Semester -V Prioritized Syllabus of Psychology under Credit Based Choice System (CBCS) held on 28th, 4th and 5th February, 2021 organized by the Department of Psychology, Asutosh College and Murolidhar Girls’ College in collaboration with Under Graduate Board of Studies in Psychology, University of Calcutta and IQAC, Asutosh College.
Participated in webinar on ‘Covid-19 Second Wave: Evolution Risk and Vaccines’ held on 14th June 2021, organized by the department of Microbiology in collaboration with IQAC, Surendranath College, Kolkata. |