NAME Dr. Prasanna Kumar Mondal
Assistant Professor Physics
  • Ph.D.: University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India (Research work was done in Bose Institute, Kolkata, India, 2005 – 2010).

    Thesis supervisor : Dr. Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Department of Physics, Bose Institute, Kolkata, India.

  • M.Sc. (Physics),University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India, 2002 – 2004

  • B.Sc. (Physics Hons.), University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India, 1999 – 2002

Condensed Matter Physics, and Material Physics

  • Peer-reviewed Articles:

  1. Lattice dynamics of Ge1−xSnx alloy nanowires, Sreyan Raha, Subhajit Biswas, Jessica Doherty, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Justin D. Holmes, and Achintya Singha, Nanoscale, (April 2022).

  1. Probing dipole and quadrupole resonance mode in non-plasmonic nanowire using Raman spectroscopy, Sreyan Raha, Sreemanta Mitra, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Subhajit Biswas, Justin D Holmes, and Achintya Singha, Nanotechnology, Volume 31, Number 42, 425201 (July 2020).

  1. Tailoring light-matter interaction in WS2–gold nanoparticles hybrid systems, Tara Shankar Bhattacharya, Sreemanta Mitra, Shib Shankar Singha, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Achintya Singha, Physical Review B, Volume 100, 235438 (December 2019).

  1. The gamma ray detection threshold temperature of different superheated droplet detectors, RupaSarkar, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Barun KumarChatterjee, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 139, 127-130 (September 2018).

  1. Evaluation of neutron contamination in 241Am gamma-ray source, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Rupa Sarkar, Manas Datta, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Radiation Measurements, Volume 119, 1-5 (December 2018).

  1. Photoluminescence modulation due to conversion of trions to excitons and plasmonic interaction in MoS2-metal NPs hybrid structures, Shib Shankar Singha, Dipanjan Nandi, Tara Shankar Bhattacharya, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Achintya Singha, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 723, 722-728 (November 2017).

  1. A new optical method for the detection of bubble nucleation in superheated droplet detector, Rupa Sarkar, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Manas Datta, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 88, 066106 (June 2017).

  1. Study of acoustic emission due to vaporisation of superheated droplets at higher pressure, Rupa Sarkar, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Physics Letters A, Volume 381, Issue 31, 2531-2537 (August 2017).

  1. Response of Superheated Droplet Detector (SDD) and Bubble Detector (BD) to interrupted irradiations, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Rupa Sarkar, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 857, 111-114 (June 2017).

  1. Direct Observation of Kinetic Pathways of Biomolecular Recognition, Susobhan Choudhury, Subrata Batabyal, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Priya Singh, Peter Lemmens, and Samir Kumar Pal, Chemistry - A European Journal, Volume 21, Issue 45, 16172-16177 (November 2015).

  1. An alternative method for the measurement of neutron flux, Rupa Sarkar, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Pramana - Journal of Physics, Volume 85, 685-690 (May 2015).

  1. Direct Observation of Coupling between Structural Fluctuation and Ultrafast Hydration Dynamics of Fluorescent Probes in Anionic Micelles, Susobhan Choudhury, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, V.K. Sharma, S. Mitra, V. Garcia Sakai, R. Mukhopadhyay, and Samir Kumar Pal, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 119, Issue 34, 10849-10857, (April 2015).

  1. Ultrafast FRET at fiber tips: Potential applications in sensitive remote sensing of molecular interaction, Nabarun Polley, Soumendra Singh, Anupam Giri, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Peter Lemmens, and Samir Kumar Pal, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 210, 381-388, (April 2015).

  1. Characterization of R-134a superheated droplet detector for neutron detection, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Rupa Sarkar, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 90, 1-7, (August 2014).

  1. Study of low frequency acoustic signals from superheated droplet detector, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Susnata Seth, Mala Das, and Pijushpani Bhattacharjee, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 729, 182-187, (November 2013).

  1. DNA-Mediated Wirelike Clusters of Silver Nanoparticles: An Ultrasensitive SERS Substrate, Dipanwita Majumdar, Achintya Singha, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Subrata Kundu, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Volume 5, Issue 16, 7798-7807, (July 2013).

  1. Study of gamma ray response of R404A superheated droplet detector using a two-state model, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 77, 61-67, (July 2013).

  1. The Limiting Temperature of the Superheated Liquid State, Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Rupa Sarkar, and Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Science and Culture, Volume 78, Issue 9-10, 448-454, (September 2012).

  1. Characteristics of acoustic emissions during nucleation of superheated dropletsPrasanna Kumar Mondal, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Physics Letters A, Volume 375, Issue 3, 237-244, (January 2011).

  1. Nucleation efficiency of R134a as a sensitive liquid for superheated drop emulsion detector, Mala Das, R. Sarkar, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, S. Saha, B. K. Chatterjee & S. C. Roy, Pramana - Journal of Physics, Volume 75, 675-682 (November 2010).

  1. A new method for measurement of droplet size distribution in superheated emulsions, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Rupa Sarkar, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 75, 675-682, (February 2010).

  1. Two-state modeling of the superheated emulsion detector, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 604, Issue 3, 662-667 (June 2009).

  1. Measurement of Droplet Size Distribution in Superheated Emulsion, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Rupa Sarkar, Manas Datta, Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Biva Roy, and Suprakash Chandra Roy, Journal of Surface Science and Technology, Volume 25, Issue 1-2, 21-28, (2009).

  1. An active device for volumetric measurement of drop nucleation in a superheated emulsion detector, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 19, Number 10, 105802, (August 2008).

  1. Observation of second metastable state in superheated emulsion detectorRupa Sarkar, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, and Barun Kumar ChatterjeeNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 593, Issue 3, 481-484, (August 2008).

  1. Response of Superheated Droplets to Electrons, Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Rupa Sarkar, Mala Das, D.K. Ray, Barun Kumar Chatterjee, Biva Roy, and Suprakash Chandra Roy, Science and Culture, Volume 73, Issue 7-8, 253-255, (July 2007).

  • Ph.D. Research Fellow, Department of Physics, Bose Institute, Kolkata, India. (2005 - 2011)

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India, (2011 - 2013)

  • Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Chemical, Biological & Macro-Molecular Sciences , S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India, (2013 - 2015)

  • Research Collaborator, Department of Radiation Protection Dosimetry and Calibration, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN), Mol, Belgium (2015 - 2016)

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow,Department of Physics, Bose Institute, Kolkata, India. (2016 - 2017)

Physics Semester-II (Hons) Electricity and Magnetism-01 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-IV (Hons) Elements of Modern Physics-01 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-II (Hons) Electricity and Magnetism-02 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-IV (Hons) Elements of Modern Physics-02 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-IV (Hons) Elements of Modern Physics-03 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-II (Hons) Electricity and Magnetism-03 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-II (Hons) Electricity and Magnetism-04 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-II (Hons) Electricity and Magnetism-05 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-IV (Hons) Elements of Modern Physics-04 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-II (Hons) Electricity and Magnetism-06 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-IV (Hons) Elements of Modern Physics-05 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Physics Semester-IV (Hons) Elements of Modern Physics-06 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW