Assistant Professor Botany

M. Sc., B. Ed., Ph. D.


Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Plant Molecular Biology


Molecular Biology


Biochemistry and Plant Molecular Biology


1. Suranjana Sarkar, Sourjee Chattopadhyay, Prabir Kumar Saha. 2021. Importance of testa ultrastructures, water uptake patterns and dormancy with respect to seed germination. Journal of the Botanical Society of Bengal. 75(1): 1-12 


2. Book Chapter: Deependu Kumar Ghosh, Pratyai Lahiri, Tiasa Mondal and Suranjana Sarkar. 2021. Antifungal Properties of Pteridophytes – An Overview, in the book entitled “Sustainable Development: A Way Forward”, Ed: Gupta et al., Published by: Lincoln Research and Publications Limited, Australia in collaboration with Lincoln University College, Malaysia. Pp. 16-25. doi:10.31674/book.2021.sdwf 


3. Book Chapter: Aritrika Sinha, Abhishek Das, Rishita Chakraborty and Suranjana Sarkar. 2021. An Overview of the Properties and Pharmaceutical uses of Bioactive Compounds from Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), in the book entitled “Therapeutics: Key to well being”, Ed: T. Ray Chaudhuri et al., Published by: Lincoln Research and Publications Limited, Australia in collaboration with Lincoln University College, Malaysia. Pp. 18-27. doi:10.31674/book.2021.tkwb


4. Suranjana Sarkar. 2021. Book Chapter: Forestry in soil erosion control, in the book entitled “Forestry in India: An Overview’, Ed: J. Laha et al., Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 69-75


5. Suranjana Sarkar and Sanmitra Sarkar. 2020. A blockchain based framework to monitor the use and handling of the controlled substances. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 10(12): 21-22.


6. Suranjana Sarkar. 2016. Sesame: a potential crop of economic importance and its medicinal uses. In Greenery. Ed. Mukherjee, A. pp.10-15. 


7. Suranjana Sarkar and Prabir Kumar Saha. 2014. An emerging scenario of Indian sesame seed research. Sci. & Cult. 80 (7-8), 217-226.


8. Suranjana Sarkar and Prabir Kumar Saha. 2013. Assessment of phenotypic and genotypic diversity in Indian sesame. The Nucleus. 56 (2): 107-115. DOI 10.1007/s13237-013-0089-1.


9. Suranjana Sarkar and Prabir Kumar Saha. 2012. Sesame – Germination to Genotyping. In Medicinal Plants: Various Perspectives. Eds. J. P. Keshri and R. Mukhopadhyay, Department of Botany, University of Burdwan. 69-80.


10. Suranjana Sarkar (Roy), R. Poddar, D. Basu, T. Basu and P. K. Saha. 2012. Optimization of RAPD method and its application for the analysis of genetic variability in cultivated and wild Indian sesame. Ind. J of Sci. Res. 3(2): 47-54.


11. Suranjana Roy, R. Poddar and P.K. Saha. 2011. Comparative studies of agronomic parameters with respect to dormancy status and water uptake patterns in the seeds of the cultivated (Sesamum indicum L.) and wild (Sesamum mulayanum Nair.) Sesame. J. Botan. Soc. of Beng. 65(2): 107-111.


12. Suranjana Sarkar (nee Roy), A.Saha, R.Poddar, A. Bhattacharjee and P.K.Saha. 2010. Seed germination and genotyping – an overview. Indian Biologist. Special vol.: 42-67.


13. Suranjana Sarkar (Roy), R. Poddar and P.K.Saha. 2009. Naturally occurring phytochemicals and germination in Shorea robusta Garertn. f. seeds. In Advances in Plant Biology. Eds. S. Mandal and S. Bhattacharya (pp. 187-194).


14. S. Biswas, Suranjana Sarkar (nee Roy), A.Saha, R.Poddar and P.K.Saha. 2009. SEM studies and status of micrropyle for germination in the seeds of Bauhinia acuminata Linn. J. Bot. Soc. Beng. 63 (2): 105 - 110.


15. B. Das, Suranjana Roy, G. Gangopadhayay, R. Poddar and P.K. Saha. 2006. Testa ultrastructures, water uptake pattern and seed germination of some medicinally important plants of Fabaceae: J. Bot. Soc. Beng. 60 (1): 50-64.


  1. Sarkar and P. K. Saha. 2015. Perspective of Indian Sesame (Sesamum indicum L. and S. mulayanum Nair.) Seed Research. Abstract is selected for 102nd Session of Indian Science Congress, Mumbai.
  2. Sarkar and P. K. Saha, 2014. Relationship in Phenotypic and Genetic diversity of cultivated and wild Indian sesame- Invited Lecture delivered in the section Plant Sciences of the 101st. Session of Indian Science Congress, Jammu.
  3. Suranjana Sarkar and P. K. Saha, 2013. Phenotypic and genotypic diversity in Sesame – Invited Lecture delivered in the section Plant Sciences of the Centenary Session of Indian Science Congress, Kolkata.
  4. Suranjana Roy, Ramit Poddar, D. Basu and P. K. Saha, 2010. Assessment of phenotypic diversity in some members of Indian Sesame (Sesamum indicum and S. mulayanum L.) – Presented in 29th ISTA Seed Symposium, Cologne, Germany 2010.
  5. Suranjana Sarkar (nee: Roy), Ramit Poddar and Prabir Kumar Saha, 2010. Comparative studies of phenotypic diversity, dormancy status and water uptake patterns in the seeds of the wild (Sesamum mulayanum Nair) and cultivated ( indicum L.) Sesame - Poster presented in the National Symposium organized by Center for Applied Science and Technology (CAST), Kolkata Awarded 2nd Best Prize
  6. Suranjana Sarkar (nee: Roy), Aditi Saha, Ramit Poddar, Alok Bhattacharjee and Prabir Kumar Saha, 2010. Seed Exomorphic Characters of five cultivars Sesamum indicum (LM and SEM Study) - Poster presented in the National Symposium organized by Burdwan University.
  7. Suranjana Sarkar (nee: Roy), Tista Basu, Ramit Poddar and Prabir Kumar Saha, 2010. Optimization of the conditions for RAPD analysis of Sesamum indicum - Poster presented in the National Symposium organized by Burdwan University.
  8. Amitava Roy, K.N. Ghosh, Suranjana Sarkar (nee: Roy) and P.K. Saha, 2010. Retention of totipotency and regeneration capacity of long-term Aloe barbadensis culture- Poster presented in the National Symposium organized by PTCA.
  9. Suranjana Roy, Ramit Poddar, D. Basu and Prabir Kumar Saha, 2008. Studies on phenotypic diversity in some members of Indian Sesame- Poster presented in the International Symposium organized by Bose Institute and P.P.F., Kolkata.

More than sixteen years research experience in the area of Plant Biology – worked as Junior and Senior Research Fellow under the supervision of Senior Professor P.K. Saha and Associate Prof. Dr. Debabrata Basu at Division of Plant Biology , Bose Institute, 93/1, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata – 700 009, West Bengal, India from April 24th, 2006 to October 23rd, 2011. The thesis work carried out mainly covers detailed assessment of overall phenotypic aspects, seed biology, plant molecular biology and application of numerical taxonomy with the aid of modern statistical software for the Bio-Diversity Assessment of Indian Sesame. Further, continued as Guest Worker in the same laboratory. Dr. Sarkar is a reviewer of several international journals like Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (published by Springer- Nature Communication) and books (published by Oxford University Press).

Research Skills:

Expertise in Plant molecular Biology work, especially in Marker Biology for Genetic Diversity Assessment of different crop plants by using Isozymes, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) markers.

Applied knowledge in Basic Bioinformatics such as application of Numerical Taxonomy with the aid of modern statistical soft wares (IBM-SPSS, XLSTAT and MS EXCELL).

Detailed knowledge in Seed Biology along with practical handling experience of Micro-morphological studies by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis (EDAX) study of seed testa followed by Element Mapping, Study of seed water uptake patterns and dormancy breaking experiments. 

Experienced in Plant Tissue Culture especially in clonal propagation and regeneration of Nicotiana tabacum, Aloe barbadensis and Sesamum spp.

Handling experience of techniques in Proteomics like Protein extraction, SDS PAGE, various isozyme analyses of Jute and Sesame. Basic Bioinformatics

Experienced in detailed studies on Plant Morphology – design of field work experiments involving plant exploration & herbarium making. Familiar in working with the members of several plant families viz. Pedaliaceae, Fabaceae, Tiliaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Solanacese, Xanthorrhoeaceae etc. covering mainly herbs (Tephrosia pupurea, Bauhinia spp., Cassia spp., Dolichos spp. Vigna radiata, Nicotiana tabacum etc.), few shrubs (Sesamum spp., Corchorus spp., Aloe barbadensis) and trees (Shorea robusta)

Extensively experienced in Collection and Analysis of Agro-Morphological field data and actively engaged in Biodiversity Assessment Studies.

Knowledge of macro and micro photography

Accustomed to reports and manuscripts preparation with reasonable communication skills and collaborative work with other researchers in the laboratory as well as with other Institutions 


  • National award in elocution, Rajya Sangeet Academy Award & Youth Festival Award in Rabindra Sangeet, many State Level awards in Rabindra Sangeet & Recitation; Performed at ‘All India Radio’ Kolkata in Rabindra Sangeet & recitation as a child artist.
  • Sangeet Bivakar in Rabindra Sangeet from Bangiyo Sangeet Parishad



Second Best Prize winner for the poster presented in the National Symposium organized by Center for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) 2010

Ranked 24th in the School Service Commission Examination, 2010

Awarded in Science Aptitude & Talent Search Tests.


Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)

Life member of Botanical Society of Bengal, Kolkata (C.U.)

Life member of Plant Physiology Forum (PPF), Kolkata 



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