Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Introduction In pursuance of its action plan for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality up gradation of institutions of higher education, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bengaluru proposes that every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a vital part of the institution’s quality assurance system and work towards ensuring quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of its institution. For this, during the post-accreditation period, institutions need to channelize their efforts towards promoting holistic academic excellence including the implementation of peer team’s recommendations.
The establishment of the IQAC is the first step towards institutionalization and internalization of quality enhancement initiatives. Its success depends on its sense of belongingness and participation in all the activities of the institution. It will not be yet another hierarchical structure or a record-keeping unit of the institution but will be a facilitative and participative unit of the institution. It has the potential to become a vehicle for ushering in quality enhancement through its planned and interventionist strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality, as in Quality Circles in industries.
- Vision & Mission
- Aim, Objective & Strategies
- Functioning
- Recommendations Approved & Implemented
- Stakeholders Involvement in Functioning
- Fostering of Academic Environment
- Communication of Policies
- Contribution & Challenges
- Inception of IQAC
- IQAC Composition
To promote quality culture as the prime concern of Higher Education Institutions through institutionalizing and internalizing all the quality-enhancing and sustaining initiatives taken with internal and external support.
- To sustain and enhance the quality measures upgraded by the institution since its inception in the year 2013
- To arrange for periodic assessment and accreditations.
- To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research.
- To promote collaboration with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion, and sustenance.
- To encourage self-evaluation and accountability
- To promote quality-related research studies, consultancy, and training programs
- To work consistently for catalytic improvement of the institution
- To contribute consciously towards the overall excellence of the institution
Aim & Objectives
- To develop a mechanism to promote conscious, consistent and catalytic action plans to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
- To promote institutional quality enhancement and sustenance through the internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of the best practices.
- Documentation of all curricular/co-curricular/extracurricular activities on campus.
- Promotion of the awareness of global educational strategies.
- Co-ordination of quality related activities and to disseminate information on best practices amongst the faculty through various programs and activities such as seminars, workshops, symposia, conferences, panel discussions.
- Examination of the relevance and quality of current academic programs and initiate new courses/programs and various certificate courses for skill development.
- Working for holistic development of all the stakeholders for overall growth of the institution with time.
IQAC evolves mechanism and procedures for
- Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative andfinancial units;
- Adoption of relevant and quality academic and research programs;
- Ensuring equitable access to and affordability of academic programs for various sections of the society;
- Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning;
- Ensuring credible assessment and evaluation processes;
- Ensuring the proper allocation, adequacy and maintenance of support structure and services;
- Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell the College has developed several quality assurance mechanisms within the existing academic and administrative setup. Some of these are as follows:
- From the beginning the main objective of the cell is to plan and implement quality initiatives and evaluate. It conducts regular meetings with quality agenda and maintains its proceedings.
- Placed Plans and proposals for implementation of the recommendations of the NAAC Peer Team visitsin 2007 and 2016.
- It circulates its plan and takes steps for implementation.
- It supports to conduct workshops, awareness programs, special lectures on quality innovations, Curricula, Teaching-Learning & Evaluation, Research oriented seminars etc. It analyses the feedback received from Students and other Stakeholders.
- It coordinates with all stakeholders for their opinions and advice for quality sustenance and quality improvement.
- Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education.
- Enforces Academic and Administrative Auditing by external agency.
- It Plans and Supports effective implementation for Total Quality management, Curricula development, Teaching-Learning and evaluation, Research, Consultancy and Extension activities for all stakeholders.
- MHRD subcommittee, under IQAC regularly prepares the Reports for AISHE.
- Documentation of the various programs/activities leading to quality improvement.
- It collects, maintains, and analyses documents and documentary evidences directly or through the College Office.
- It prepares the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) and submits it to NAAC regularly after its inception.
- It appreciates, encourages, and provides support required by the faculty for their quality sustenance and quality improvement in teaching, research & administration.
- Strategies have been adopted by institutions to satisfy the needs of the students from diverse backgrounds including socio-economic backward community complying with all the norms of the Government.
- Renovation of Students Canteen and Common Rooms, Student, and staff toilet in each floor of both the building.
- Constituting an ICT sub-committee for upgrading Computer facilities in the college and the website of the college.
- Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning in all departments.
- Up gradation of a Central Library towards Semi autonomy and make it automated with installation of KOHA software.
- Journal and e-journal Procurement.
- Extension, renovation, and purchase of modern and necessary equipment for all science laboratories.
- Separate computer laboratories for computer application-based subjects like Physics, Mathematics & Statistics, Computer Science, Economics, Geography, Journalism & Mass Communication and Commerce.
- Transparent and Technology oriented Admission Procedure though an ERP.
- Up gradation of existing Software and LAN for office work.
- Wi-Fi campus with ~100 mbps internet speed.
- Formation of a gymnasium in the campus for both students and faculty members
- Signing MOU with a lady’s hostel
- Installation of solar panels in the roof top
- Rainwater harvesting system
- Installation of lift, ramps, rails for making the college Divyangjan friendly
- Participation in ISO certification and NIRF ranking
- Promotion of Research and Publication by Faculty by creating a central laboratory in the roof top of Science Building equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation facilities.
- Implementation of rotational headship (2 years) in each department of the college.
- Promotion of Extension activities through NCC and NSS.
- Formation of a glass house and roof top garden
- Formation of different cells and sub committees from time to time as desired by UGC disclosure.
Representatives of all stakeholders; Teachers, Students, Non-Teaching Staff, Alumni association, and Governing body are present in the IQAC team who give their opinions and also convey the work, plan and activities of IQAC to their respective communities.All major strategies of IQAC are formulated in consultation with faculty members and at the time of execution of various plans, staff members and students are generally taken into confidence. As they are with IQAC from the seeding, planting, and cultivating process, this association contributes to the effective functioning of the college. The students play the role of active learners who help in creating systems according to their needs and requirements. They make suggestions regarding improvement in teaching-learning process, examination system, day-to-day facilities like library services, leisure, or canteen services etc. they are also informed about the decisions taken or policies made by IQAC for their welfare through notices & announcements etc. As far as the alumni of the college are concerned, IQAC makes special efforts to involve them in the college programs.
- The institution undertakes Academic Audit. After thorough analysis by IQAC Internal Team and academic subcommittee of the college, strategies are evolved to raise the Audit graph of achievements and widen the horizons.
- The outcomes — such as student intake, results, research etc. are analyzed and adequate measures are taken to the institutional activities for the betterment of the institution.
- Many times, new additions are made in the infrastructure to improve the teaching learning process. Every department keeps on adding equipment, books, journals, software for the benefit of the students.
- Academic calendar & Teaching Plan: The detailed layout of the teaching plan is offered in the Academic Calendar. The plans generally highlight the time schedule for completion of the internal examinations, form fill-up and commencement of university examinations. This enables the students to know about the academic schedule and tentative dates of examination, etc. Moreover, the teachers would know the time frame for teaching – learning process and ensure the total attention for the completion of syllabi and possible revision.
- Learner-centric education approach through appropriate methodologies like Academic Calendar, Interactive & instructional techniques like audio-visual mode of teaching, ICT based learning, organizing seminars, debates, Lectures by experts from other colleges & University, Inter-departmental lecture exchange, & presentations. This is accompanied by experiential teaching like projects-based learning, Field work, surveys, experiments, and practical classes, etc.
- Detailed information about the evaluation methods and the Examination schedule is given in the Prospectus which is provided to the students at the time of their admission and also in the Academic Calendar at the beginning of a session.
- The principal regularly meets the various departments’ heads and solicits their feedback on the progress of the teaching-learning process of each department.
Thus, the systematic planning, organization, and implementation of teaching – learning – evaluation is possible within the total scheme of university schedule. It is rational, realistic, and scientific.
- Regular notification through phone messages and through the institutional official website:
- Detailed information about college is given in the Prospectus at the time of admission.
- All policies and code of conducts are displayed in the website.
- Policies and plans regarding the quality assurance are communicated to all the faculty members, especially the newly appointed ones, in the beginning of the session.
- Policies and plans regarding the quality assurance are also communicated in the meetings of the different sub-committees, cells and in the meetings with the teacher’s Council, Non-teaching staff and students.
- Policies and plans regarding the quality assurance are communicated to the University, State Government, UGC and NAAC through different reports submitted annually. [Annual Academic Report, Performance Statement and Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR)]
- Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus on institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.
- Strived for internalization of the quality culture.
- Enhanced coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices.
- Provided a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
- Acted as a dynamic system for quality changes in this Institution.
- Built an organized methodology for documentation and internal communication.
- The primary challenge encountered is obviously the inherent resistance of most of the faculty members and office staffs to change. Persistent effort in convincing all the stakeholders and altering strategies from time to time wherever needed has resulted in a lot of time being wasted.
- Work beyond duty hours for activities that go beyond teaching by faculty sometimes have created an element of resentment.
- Complete technical & manpower support to the IQAC Coordinator is yet to be achieved.
IQAC admits that maintaining the momentum of quality consciousness is of crucial importance. It is a common knowledge that no single strategy works on its own. Multiple methodologies are needed to be used simultaneously to overcome barriers and setbacks that come in the way of quality sustenance and quality improvement. However, IQACis committed to ensure that in future all stakeholders of this illustrious institution continue to remain fully engaged in this endeavor so that together we may carry forward NAAC’s agenda on quality assurance.
Based on the recommendations of the National Assessment Accreditation Council (NAAC) an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established by Surendranath College on 30th July 2013 headed by the principal as chairperson and Dr. Mira Sil Ghosh, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology as its Coordinator. Subsequently on 15th May 2014 Dr. Tushar Kanti Saha, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics assumed the position of coordinator of the NAAC committee. The purpose of setting up the IQAC was to ensure post-accreditation quality control and at present it has become an integral part of the Institution’s academic and administrative structure. This is in tune with the NAAC’s objective of ensuring performance evaluation, assessment, and quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education.
Chairperson: Dr. Indranil Kar (Principal)
Director: Dr. Suchandra Chatterjee
Teachers: Gautam Sinha (Jt. Convenor, Student Welfare Sub Committee), Dr. Tushar Kanti Saha (Jt. Convenor, Promotion and Fixation Sub Committee), Dr. Asis Basu (Convenor, Academic Committee), Dr. Adity Sarbajna (Jt. Convenor, Placement Cell), Raju Mondal (HOD, Commerce), Dr. Barnali Ray Basu (Nodal Officer, AISHE)
Senior Administrative Officer: Dr Nilansu Das (Bursar), Dr. Achintya Biswas (Nodal officer RTI Cell), Dr. Kausik Lahiri (Jt.Convenor Leave Sub Committee), Sri Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay (Head Clerk)
Management Representative: Sri Pinaki Chandra Matilal, Senior Advocate
External Experts: Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh, Vice Chancellor, Rani Rashmoni Green University, Dr Debiprasad Duari, Director, Institute of Astronomy Space and Earth Science, Prof. Uday Shankar Hazra, Retired Associate Professor, RPM College
Nominee from Local Society Dr. Sumit Poddar, Chairman, Dr H.P Poddar Memorial Clinic and Nursing Home
Student Amit Dolui
Alumnus Mr. Debasis Banerjee, Advocate
Support Team Dr. Sonali Ray, Dr. Dipasree Roychoudhury, Dr. Sourav Mitra, Dr. Prasanna Kumar Mondal, Dr Jayanta Sikder, Dr. Harisadhan Ghosh, Dr. Apurba Biswas, Dr. Ujjal Biswas, Mr. Kousik Ghosh
Chairperson: Dr. Indranil Kar (Principal)
Director: Dr. Suchandra Chatterjee (Associate Professor)
Advisor: Dr. Tushar Kanti Saha (Associate Professor), Dr. Kausik Lahiri (Associate Professor)
Management Representative: Dr. Nilansu Das (Bursar)
Senior Administrative Officer: Sri Gautam Banerjee (Head Clerk), Sri Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay (Accountant)
Industry Expert: Sri Jeevandas Mohta, Director, Venkatesh Films
Community Representative:Dr. Sumit Poddar
External Expert: Prof. Uday Shankar Hazra (Retired Associate Professor)
Senior Teachers: Dr. Achintya Biswas (Teachers Council Secretary), Prof. Gautam Sinha (Associate Professor), Dr. Asis Basu (Associate Professor)
Teachers: Dr. Barnali Ray Basu (Assistant Professor), Prof. Kousik Ghosh (PTT)
Alumnus: Mr. Debasis Banerjee (Legal Advisor)
Student: Rijju Chakraborty (General Secretary, Students’ Union)
Chairperson: Dr. Indranil Kar (Principal)
Director: Dr. Suchandra Chatterjee (Associate Professor)
Management Representative: Dr. Jafor Ali Akan (Bursar)
Senior Administrative Officer: Sri Gautam Banerjee (Head Clerk)
Industry Expert: Sri Jeevandas Mohta, One of the Directors, Venkatesh Films
Community Representative: Dr. Sumit Poddar, Proprietor, H.P. Poddar Memorial Clinic and Nursing Home, Kolkata 700010, Former President, Rotary Club of East Calcuttaand Director, Community Service Medical
External Expert: Prof. Uday Shankar Hazra, Retired Associate Professor, RPM College, Hooghly
Senior Teachers: Dr. Achintya Biswas (Teachers Council Secretary), Prof. Gautam Sinha (Associate Professor), Dr. Asis Basu (Associate Professor), Dr. Nilansu Das (Associate Professor), Dr. Anindya Ghose Choudhury (Associate Professor)
Teachers: Dr. Barnali Ray Basu (Assistant Professor), Prof. Kousik Ghosh (PTT)
Alumnus: Mr. Debasis Banerjee (Legal Advisor)
Student: Rijju Chakraborty (General Secretary, Students’ Union)
Chairperson: Dr. Indranil Kar (Principal)
Director: Dr. Tushar Kanti Saha (Associate Professor)
Management Representative: Dr. Jafor Ali Akan (Bursar)
Senior Administrative Officer: Sri Manab Brata Brahma (Head Clerk), Sri Gautam Banerjee (Accountant)
Industry Expert: Sri Jeevandas Mohta, Director, Venkatesh Films
External Expert: Prof. Purna Chandra Maity (Teacher in Charge, Surendranath Evening College)
Senior Teachers: Dr. Mira Sil Ghosh (Associate Professor), Dr. Achintya Biswas (Teachers Council Secretary), Prof. Gautam Sinha (Associate Professor), Dr. RathindranathBasu (Associate Professor), Dr. Asis Basu (Associate Professor), Dr. Nilansu Das (Associate Professor), Dr. Anindya Ghose Choudhury (Associate Professor), Dr. Asok Kumar Das (Associate Professor), Prof. Kaushik Lahiri (Associate Professor)
Alumnus: Mr. Debasis Banerjee (Legal Advisor)
Student: SubhojitBarman (General Secretary, Students’ Union)