Health- Hygeine & Campus Waste Management Cell
Mail ID : Whatsapp link of the committee:
The committee is composed of 10 Faculty members as well as students and non teaching representatives from every Department to make participation full proof and engaging.
The Health and Hygiene Subcommittee was an inception for a hygienic and clean college premises initially. Further the committee decided to extend its activities for environmental awareness and maintenance of social well being in terms of activities like “Say No to Crackers,” garbage disposal, solid waste management, environment friendly Green Club towards making a sustainable and non-polluting environment.
Surendranath College, through this committee has taken the initiative of management of the waste as per recycling norms. “Vital Waste”, a waste management company who has affiliations in this regard is assigned with an agreement of collection of waste at regular intervals. Disposal of waste and recycling is done strictly according to the norms of the company.
We have a commitment towards the environment and every department reports about their waste generated through the Health and Hygiene Subcommittee. Waste generated are categorized and are handed over to the company at regular intervals issuing notices to the various Departments. We have already earned recycling points and one tonne of e-waste is handed over.
Health is wealth . A healthy life is an outcome of healthy practices in all spheres of living .Right from eating healthy food to healthy lifestyle practices like yoga, meditation, exercises and social wellbeing all of which are necessary. DIfferent health afflictions are due to indiscrimate adopting of what we are into. Pressure in work field, environmental pollution as well as infections and community bound infective diseases and noncommunicable diseases are all outcomes of ignorances which the committee aims to prevent.
The overall purpose of health and hygiene program is to improve hygiene behaviors and encouraging effective community management of sanitation and water sources to reduce diseases like diarrheal disease, typhoid, malaria etc..To create awareness about the health status of the members of the staff and students in the campus.
To provide counseling for the various health problems of the respondents through Department of Physiology and Microbiology and to some extent Medical advices through seminars arranged.To promote awareness about food safety.
Health and hygiene will further extend activities for building green campus which will include plantations at rooftop.
Educating and encouraging students from urban areas to learn plantations and practice it in their localities.
Securing organic Wastes and seggregation is a method and by such creating bio compost so that the plant’s grown on the rooftop can be maintained without applying any artificial fertilizers. These knowhows and practices will be made available and seminar and workshops regarding these will be held taking the example of our college .
Extension activities regarding environmental and social initiatives will be carried on in rural areas with different schools and colleges so that our college can be benefited in terms of exchange by knowing the methodologies and process of agriculture and plantations therby educating the urban students who are not used to agriculture and plantation practices.
Campaigns which are needed and popularized are:
- No plastics
- Say no to preservatives and packed food, use of Dalda and trans fat
- Use of different food adulterants, colours additives, emulsifiers stabilizers and other synthetic chemical and inorganic artificial deleterios colours
- Consumption of over the counter medicines and indiscriminate consumption of antibiotics, rampant use of antibiotics in agriculture and poultry
- Vitamin D Defficiency(Sun-exposure), lifestyle, Nutritional guidelines in health . PCOD ,and other socially relevant food intake disorders, obesity
- Micobiological and imminents threats to public health regarding water quality and arsenic
- Community acquired diseases non communicable and communicable diseases like Dengue, malaria
The committee comprises of 6 core members from Department of Physiology, Microbiology, Zoology, Botany, background to make the committee an effective force towards maintenance of Health and hygiene .The committee incorporates Members from each and every department of the college to address all.
Members List below : — Jyostna Dutta — Jayanta Sikdar — Sumita Saha — Susanta Kumar Patra — Harisankar Biswas — Tarikul Islam Golder — Suman Tamang — Lalita Das — Ishani Waiba
Conveners : — Subhrajit Banerjee, Department of Physiology — Debalina Basu, Department of Microbiology
Covid 19 had imposed a challenge on us while reopening of college for normal offline classes. Govt orders regarding opening of colleges and sanitization processes were strictly followed and masks and sanitizer were provided at multiple points in colleges. We can confidently say that there were very few cases of infections reported amongst students and not a single case of aggravated infection reported or loss of life.No complaint lodged against any precautionary health practices during the time. Toilets were regularly cleaned and classes were only allotted in bigger rooms with spreading of students across the whole classroom. Practicals held in departments were divided in batches as per Govt orders.
“Vital Waste”, a waste management company who has affiliations in this regard is assigned with an agreement of collection of waste at regular intervals. Disposal of waste and recycling is done strictly according to the norms of the company.
MoU with Vital Waste
The response to Say no to crackers was good as it was just before the diwali and kalipuja celebrations. 428 person in total consisting of staff, students , teachers from various colleges filled up the responders column and participated in the campaign. Major percentage supported the campaign and was evidence of the environmental and air pollution overload inflicted due to firing of crackers. Awareness and responsibility of citizen’s especially urban dwellers to the already burdened pollutants in terms of air and heavy metal overloads were focused. We think that more of such campaigns from educational institutes may well sensitize our population towards restrictions of conventional customs and habits which act as a deleterious way towards environmental sustainability.
Google Form link( English):- Participants:- 293 Date of campaign:- 29.10.2021 Google Form link( Bengali ):- Participants:- 135 Date of campaign:- 29.10.2021 YouTube link :- Viewer:- 612