Course Outcome
(A Short Compendium of Collected Definitions)
- Course Outcome is a collection of statements that helps the learners to understand the reason for
pursuing the course and helps him to identify what he will be able to do at the end of the course. - Course Outcome clearly describes the meaningful, observable and measurable knowledge, skills
and/or dispositions students will learn in this course. - Course Outcome answers the question: What demonstrable knowledge, skills, and/or dispositions
should graduates of this course possess that they did not have before the course? - Course Outcome statements clearly describe the specific type and level of the new learning; students
will have achieved and can reliably demonstrate by the end of a course. - Course Outcome clearly identifies what (and how much or how well) the student will know and be
able to do after successfully completing this course; the essential knowledge, ability, and attitude that
constitute the basic learning needed by a graduate of this course.
There are 3 types of Course Outcomes:
- Cognitive Outcomes: “What will students completing this course know?”
- Behavioral Outcomes: “What will students completing this course be able to do?”
- Affective Outcomes: “What will students completing this course care about or think?”