Assistant Professor Political Science

B.A from Jadavpur University,Kolkata. (University Gold Medalist)

M.A, M.Phil, PhD, from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.  (UGC NET-JRF)

(Centre for Political Studies)

Worked at Amity University, Department of Political Science from 1.8.2016 to 1.11.2016, Working in Surendranath College, Kolkata from 17.11.2016 onwards

Indian Politics, Public Policy, Trade and FDI issues, Agrarian Issues


Indian Politics, Public Policy, Trade and FDI issues, Agrarian Issues


Political Economy, Public Policy, Indian Politics, Retail trade issues in India

  • The evolution of agrarian policy in India before 1991: From an institutional to a tehnocratic approach, Asian Agri History, Vol. 22, No.1, 2018, ISSN-0971-7730
  • Foreign Direct Investment, Multibrand Retail and Policy Debates in India, Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 9, No. 14, 2014, ISSN-2278-4039
  • Liberalization and contract farming: The impact on the agrarian sector, Research Journal Social Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2013 ISSN-0251-348X.
  • Agrarian Crisis and Farmers Suicides in India, Socialist Perspective, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, 2019, ISSN-0970-8863
  • Land reforms in West Bengal:With special reference to Operation Barga, Asian Agri History, Vol. 24, No.2. 2020. ISSN-0971-7730
  • FDI policy in India: With special reference to the Multi-Brand Retail FDI Policy, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 1, No. 14, 2022. ISSN-0019-5561
  • FDI in multi-brand food retail and agri-marketng in India, Rabindra Bharati Journal of Political Science, Vol. 16, 25-27, 2023, ISSN 2393-8218
  • Farmers suicides in India with special reference to the state of Punjab in Abraham Pulinchavattil (ed.), Climate change, Agriculture and Food Security, ISBN-978-6206-77529-4, 2024
  • Presented a paper titled, ‘FDI in multibrand retail and policy debates in India,’ in CESP-CAS young scholars seminar organized by CESP, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
  • Presented a paper titled, ‘FDI in multibrand retail and democratic politics in India,’ in ICSSR-UGC-DSA young scholars conference organized by CPS, Jawaharlal Nehru University
  • Presented a paper titled, ‘FDI in multibrand retail: Inputs and Responses,’ in ICSSR- ERC National seminar organized by Vidyasagar metropolitan college and Netaji nagar college for Women
  • UGC Scholarship and Award for University Rank Holder, 2008. (Awarded by University Grants Commission)
  • University Gold Medalist in Political Science, Jadavpur University, 2008.
  • UGC NET-JRF Scholar,2012
  • Indu Bhushan Putatunda and Shanti Sudha Putatunda Memorial award, 2007. (Awarded by Alumni Association,Jadavpur University)


Political Science Global politics since 1945 (PLSA Sem 4) SAFTA CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 (PLSA Sem 4) SAARC CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2) Features of the British Constitution CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2,) Chief Minister CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India ( PLSA Sem 2) Council of Ministers CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) World Bank CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) Non-Aligned Movement CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics ( PLSG Sem 2) Party system in UK CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Western Political Thought and Theory 1 ( PLSA Sem 4) Plato on Communism CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Western Political Thought and Theory 1 ( PLSA Sem 4) Plato's Theory of Justice CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Western Political Thought and Theory 1 ( PLSA Sem 4) Aristotle and the Classification of Constitutions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India ( PLSA Sem 2) Lok Sabha CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India ( PLSA Sem 2) Rajya Sabha CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global Politics Since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) European Union CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science International Relations ( PLSG Sem 4) Dependency Theory CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science International Relations ( PLSG Sem 4) Suggestions ( MCQ) CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics ( PLSG Sem 2) Suggestions ( MCQ) CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India ( PLSA Sem 2) Committee system CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Parliamentary privileges CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Legislative practises and procedures ( PLSA, SEC, Sem 4) Committee system in Parliament CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India ( PLSA Sem 2) Suggestions ( MCQ) CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Western Political Thought and Theory 1 ( PLSA Sem 4) Machiavelli CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Perspectives on International Relations (PLSA Sem 3) World System Theory CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Western Political Thought and Theory II ( PLSA Sem 5) Hegel on civil society CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Perspectives on International Relations (PLSA Sem 3) Dependency Theory CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Perspectives on International Relations (PLSA Sem 3) terrorism in international relations CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Perspectives on International Relations (PLSA Sem 3) Migration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Western Political Thought and Theory II ( PLSA Sem 5) Hegel on state CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics House of Commons CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Understanding political theory: Approaches and debates (PLSA Sem 1) Liberalism CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Indian foreign policy in a globalizing world (PLSA Sem 5) India's position on nuclear weapons CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics Rights of citizens in UK CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative government and politics The UK judiciary CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative government and politics Interest groups in UK CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( Sem 5, DSE 1A) The concept of Hierarchy CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness through Legal Literacy (PLSA Sem 3, Sec A-1) Right to Information. CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness through Legal Literacy (PLSA Sem 3, Sec A-1) Laws relating to consumer rights. CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Political Sociology (Sem 5, PLSA) Military and politics: conditions and modes of intervention. CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Introduction to Political Theory (Sem 1, PLSG) Lenin's theory of revolution and theoy of imperialism CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Understanding political theory: Concepts (PLSA Sem 1) Freedom CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Perspectives on International Relations (PLSA Sem 3) Environment in International relations CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Perspectives on International Relations (PLSA Sem 3) evolution of IR as a discipline CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Understanding political theory: Concepts (PLSA Sem 1) Liberty CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Understanding political theory: Concepts (PLSA Sem 1) Rights CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Understanding political theory: Concepts (PLSA Sem 1) Equality CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Understanding political theory: concepts ( PLSA Sem 1) Law CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration (PLSA Sem 6) Span of Control CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration (PLSA Sem 6) Unity of Command CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Line and Staff CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Authority in Administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Decentralization in Administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Centralization in Administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Delegation of Authority CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Human Rights: Theory and Indian Context (PLSG Sem 6) United Nations Human Rights Charter CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Communication in administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Leadership CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) West Asia and Palestine CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Human Rights: Theory and Indian Context (PLSG Sem 6) Vienna declaration and program of action CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) ASEAN CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) OPEC CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) WTO CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) IMF CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) BRICS CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) Globalization CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) Brexit CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Legislative practices and procedures ( PLSA, SEC, Sem 4 and PLSA Sem 2)) Lawmaking procedure CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Public and private administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Ecology of Public Administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) Post cold war era CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Good Governance CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Impact of liberalization, privatization and globalization on public administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional government in India ( PLSA Sem 2) Constitutional Amendment CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Western political thought I ( PLSA Sem 4) Aristotle on the state CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) E- Governance CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Comparative Public Administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Basic Research Methods (PLSG Sem 6, SEC B2) Participant Observation CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Basic Research Methods (PLSG Sem 6, SEC B2) Pilot Survey CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Basic Research Methods (PLSG Sem 6, SEC B2) Questionnaire CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Elementary Dimensions of Research (PLSG, Sem 4, SEC B1) Sampling CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Basic Research Methods (PLSG Sem 6, SEC B2) Interview CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Human Rights: Theory and Indian Context (PLSG Sem 6) Indian constitution and rights CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Coordination in public administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Citizenship in a Globalising World (PLSA Sem 6) Global Citizenship CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Basic research methods ( PLSG Sem 6, SEC B2) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Human rights theory and practise ( PLSG Sem 6) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science International Relations ( PLSG Sem 4) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Elementary dimensions if research ( PLSG SEC, B1) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative government and politics ( PLSG Sem 2) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Legislative practise and procedures ( SEC B1) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Western Political thought I Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science International relations Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Scuence Constitutional government in india Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Citizenship in a Globalising World (PLSA Sem 6, DSE B3)) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Policy in India (PLSA Sem 6, DSE A3) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Citizenship in a Globalising World (PLSA Sem 6, DSE B3) Global Justice CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Citizenship in a globalizing world (PLSA Sem 6, BSE B3) Suggestions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Policy in India (PLSA Sem 6, DSE A3) Theories of state CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Policy in India (PLSA Sem 6, DSE A3) The concept of public policy CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Politics ( PLSA Sem 3) UK Committee System CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Understanding the legal system (PLSG Sem 5, SEC A2)_ The Representation of the People Act: 1950 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Understanding the legal system (PLSG Sem 5, SEC A2) The Representation of the People Act: 1951 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Legal Literacy (PLSG, Sem 3, SEC A1) TADA, 1987 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Indian foreign policy in a globalizing world (PLSA Sem 5) Rupee-Rouble Trade CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Politcal Science Western Political Thought and Theory II ( PLSA Sem 5) Frankfurt School CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Indian foreign policy in a globalizing world (PLSA Sem 5) India's Trade Policy CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Understanding the legal system (PLSG Sem 5, SEC A2) The Delimitation Act CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Perspectives on International Relations (PLSA Sem 3) Development CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) National commission to review the working of the constitution CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Legislative practices and procedures ( PLSA, SEC, Sem 4) Estimates Committee CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Legislative practices and procedures ( PLSA, SEC, Sem 4) Public Accounts Committee CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Decision Making Theory CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Policy in India (PLSA Sem 6, DSE A3) Role of Media in Public Policy CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Government and Politics in India Constitutional Amendment Procedure CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Government and Politics in India (PLSG Sem 3) Parliamentary Privileges CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Government and Politics in India (PLSG Sem 3) Law Making Procedure (Ordinary Bill) CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Government and Politics in India (PLSG Sem 3) Committee System CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Indian foreign policy in a globalizing world India and G20 CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Introduction to Political Theory (Sem 1, PLSG) liberty-equality relationship CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Perspectives on International Relations (PLSA Sem 3) Neo-Realism CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Perspectives on International Relations (PLSA Sem 3) Realism CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2) The Crown CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Lawmaking Procedure CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Passage of Money Bill CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Speaker CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2 the house of Lords CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Constitutional Amendment Procedure CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Policy in India (PLSA Sem 6, DSE A3) Public Policy and the Welfare State CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2 House of Commons CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Policy in India (PLSA Sem 6, DSE A3) Public Policy and the Neo liberal State CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Supreme Court CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Policy in India (PLSA Sem 6, DSE A3) Actors in Public Policy CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2) Prime Minister of UK CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Nature and scope of public administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) and International Relations ( PLSG Sem 4) Cold War CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) Evolution of Public Administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Global politics since 1945 ( PLSA Sem 4) and International Relations ( PLSG Sem 4) Post Cold War CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2) Features of British Constitution CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) High Court CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Judicial Review and Activism CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2) British cabinet system CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2) Cabinet Dictatorship CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Governor CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2) Rule of Law CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Legislative Assembly CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Legislattive Council CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Comparative Government and Politics (PLSG Sem 2) Conventions CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Committee system CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Constitutional Government in India (PLSA Sem 2) Chief Minister CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Public Administration ( PLSA Sem 6) New Public Administration CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Elementary Dimensions of Research ( PLSG, Sem 4,SEC B1) Qualitative and quantitative data CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Equality Equality CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Liberty Liberty CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Indian foreign policy in a globalizing world (PLSA Sem 5) India and Environmental Policy CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Indian foreign policy in a globalizing world (PLSA Sem 5) India and South Asian Trade Policy CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy (Sem 1, CCF, SEC) Contract Rights CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy (Sem 1, CCF, SEC) Central Information Commission CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy (Sem 1, CCF, SEC) Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy (Sem 1, CCF, SEC) Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy (Sem 1, CCF, SEC) Bharatiya Saksha Adhinayam CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Indian foreign policy in a globalizing world (PLSA Sem 5) India and Neighborhood Policy under Modi CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Indian foreign policy in a globalizing world (PLSA Sem 5) India and its Strategic Policy CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Political Theory: Approaches and Debates (PLSM, Sem 3, CCF) Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg Debate CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Political Theory: Approaches and Debates (PLSM, Sem 3, CCF) Democratic Centralism CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Political Theory: Foundational Concepts (PLSM and MPLS, Sem 1, CCF) Rights CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy ( Sem 1, PLSM and MPLS,SEC, CCF) Labour Laws CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy ( Sem 1, PLSM and MPLS,SEC, CCF) RTI CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy ( Sem 1, PLSM and MPLS,SEC, CCF) RTI (Extra Materials) CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy ( Sem 1, PLSM and MPLS,SEC, CCF) Contract Rights CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Political Theory: Foundational Concepts (PLSM and MPLS, Sem 1, CCF) Freedom CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Political Theory: Foundational Concepts (PLSM and MPLS, Sem 1, CCF) Rawls and Justice CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Political Theory: Approaches and Debates (PLSM, Sem 3, CCF) Mao on Revolution CLICK HERE FOR VIEW
Political Science Political Theory: Approaches and Debates (PLSM, Sem 3, CCF) Gramsci theory of Hegemony and Civil Society CLICK HERE FOR VIEW